Painless ?

The evidence of what went on, there, defied belief systems of all types. The investigating team were shocked by the seemingly blatant disregard of health, and, safety practices. The scene took on the appearance of the " battle zone " ! Had any life been put in danger, they pondered. In the scheme, of things, was the the will, as shown here, to " bring the house down " ! Well, that, was how it seemed to be, according to what was before them, and, behind. And, on the walls, or ceilings. The " nightmare scenario " was an indictment, they felt, of the decline in standards. And, quality of life. The mere " smell of fear " at this location was enough, to turn the experienced veteran into a " blubbering wreck. " How could any deny the power of the source of this mayhem, with resulting " trash " strewn, all over the place ? The " eternal conflict " had taken a decided move, to the extreme, to define the counter-culture mentality ? They, trembled, at contemplating, this.
The expert group moved from room to room, assessing the " damage " caused, in their own way, trying to fathom out the depths of depravity, which could cause such monstrous destructive force. In the eyes was the tale of invasions, into our worldly possessions, by a " Scandal " and a " vandal " ! The obtuse had evolved into the obscene, it, appeared. With all manner of policy decisions made to bring every facet of " Breathless " disruption, into play. The abandonment of " idealist notions " for the exact opposite, was adequate, to send shivers down the spine, of the ladies. And, test the backbone of the toughened, " Die Hard " philosophy of the men.
When, the emotions started to show, there was just one place this study into behavioural abnormality, could go. The effects, of the incident, were compounded by wholesale loss, of self-esteem, in labours of utterΒ madness. Actually without worth, it, materialized. After, all, were subjected to scrutiny, as never before. Or, since. Leading, to rejection of " survival instincts " ! To, die, in ways even beyond the three-dimensional existence. All, falling from grace, in the most profound ways. What, on earth, would be next, it, was asked. As, all vagaries of " The Demented " were transferred from, one to another. In, the most abominable versions of " combat " ever envisaged. When, it comes, to this sort of thing, going on. And, coming off. To, infect the psychological profiles, of those willing to tread where others do not. The case, was ground-breaking, as any " Witness " to the " cult " designs, would suggest. Or, even, lay down, within historical records. For, later generations to delve into, to see the light. As, to what can be undertaken. In, the name of some " fucked-up " suicidal tendency. Needing treatment, of the most basic kind.Β
See, " Mr And Mrs Smith " or " M.A.S.H. " !
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