
She knew, it. Right, from the start. She had always wanted it, to be this way. But, dare not hope. For, it. Considering, family heritage and, an aversion to anything of a " supernatural " nature. Of working-class stock, she knew what she had to be. And, how. In her " tree " were directions to the higher learned position. As in the wilderness, searching for a place, to call her own. Family ties had stressed to her the importance of connections. And, how. To gain more than she ever thought possible, from the physical " world " !
In her heart of hearts, she realized her struggle, away from middle-class securities. But, completely understood what was to be gained from struggle. And, climbing, by her own efforts, to the top. In the way, of the beast, and, the burden, there was hope, and, promise. To excite any who dared call her " Whore " !
In her mind were the fanciful measures of success. Born of a longing for more. Than was ever expected from someone of her class, and, form. In her " territory " she roamed free. With, only, a few select most-trusted friends to join her on the ride, to nowhere of set definition. But, of increased significance to her starting point. As would be the case. Clearly. Devoid of expectation. Apart, from the wishful fantasies cast by dreams of going somewhere others did not. To, learn the designs of different. Defined by, principled, or less than so, asertions of meritocratic engrandisement. Gratifying, and, consistent, rather than whimsical notion. Earnestly achieved, from wisdom gained by " tutorials " others had not known. Or, would ever possess, in their " memory banks. " Or, anywhere else for, that matter. But, that, would be. Would, it not ?
Here lay the reason for her delving into " corners " most would not. Here lay her route, to the highest plain, of existence. Well, as far as she was concerned. In the passages, and, corridors of the " intellectual elite " she made her " employed " way, of servitude, as well as toil. Until, that day. When, all changed beyond any notion, or recognition, of what she perceived before. With all her prayers, as well as cravings, being answered, By, him.
In his eyes, she saw what was beyond her domain. And, far removed from the striving structures of the cosmopolitan urban jungle. She identified with most. In his arms she gave it all. To liberate herself from the chains of her history, and, her challenging " workload " ! Made, by the street " theatre " company. With all that entailed, or did not. In her rescue from the harshest realities, to safe sanctuary, she discovered the meanings of it all, which she needed, whole-heartedly. The light came on. To, reveal to her, everything she would now desire, or require. From, anyone, or anything.
It, was practically, a religious " fucking " experience !