Stickler For A Tickler

Mostly written March 2nd, 2019.
This gotta get smart LXV year young Roman tick wordsmith considers daily dose of humor tubby imperative in this madcap whirled wide web. Reality, (and beastie headlines, what with grabbing terrifying news) can scare the pants off the most stalwart sagacious serious simian. He/she can easily be frightened to remain under the covers (or their bed) til death doth them part! Hence, the deliberate emotional nuclear reaction (blaring earthshaking issues) defeats the purpose and antithetical to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Thus, incumbent in my playbook for survival to incorporate at least a dollop of USDA daily chuckles. Brand ding yourself with unique je nais sais quois subtle svelte streaks of stirring smiles need not require moxi or chutzpah of a standup comedian/comedienne. Such hyped staged theatrics to be quick witted, and (cooly) whip out a riposte at a trademark figurative blink of eye characteristic, could (hyperbolically) upend social welcome, cuz nobody else would be able to risk uttering his/hers sophisticated spontaneous (deadpan) laughter without inducing interjections from the peanut gallery, viz rejection. Plus such excessive hubris, could foment global hostility for generations to come.
Perhaps growing up in a household, where family gatherings oft times found father “Mister Quipper,” who without fail usually cracked a joke inducing egg go knee, especially to local yolk culls, and influenced this generally contemplative, introspective, intuitive, quiet natured, et cetera sonny bone a fide heir erupting flair to tickle funny bones during parenthood of yours truly, when paternalism blessed (chew know hoo) toward deux darling daughters sprinkled with healthy helping of levity.
A series of unfortunate living situations (nobody would kill for), allowed, enabled, and provided asthma own unique Lemony Snicket bumpety bump bump bumper crop throve, but did not always deliver punny sought after panacea to ease afflictions. Ulcer ye sum anecdotes another time. Nonetheless coping with severe (weathered) reign of anguish (axe to grind resounding off battle lax, and her hench women brandishing mean mien) spurred horse sense to hone humor.
What prompted yours truly to roil (as a rocking kid even into puberty), what with those crude, lewd,
and rude unstoppable convulsions of belly aching hilarious material definitlyy not necessarily apropos (unless my role model trumpeting forty fifth commander in chief) as an older person.
Years gone by, I tended toward shuttering me toothy flapper, especially when in the presence of some (usually male) hoop possessed an amazing ability to keep listeners virtually rollicking in "stitches." Such categorical gut wrenching talent, (especially those with utter nonchalance) suddenly prompted me to become cowed and act calf full when milking udder far fetched potential material usually hashtagged as bull.
Yes, I did undervalue any untimely blurted comeback, which oft times sounded feeble, juvenile, lame, et cetera that nasally slipped out me mouth. Pent up with uncontrollable (all encompassing debilitating anxiety) sabotaged feeling calm, cool and collected to foster funny fillip with unleaded gas ping.
Within the recent past (say bajillion years or so since this clearer consciousness commenced cold calculated entendre), aided in large measure with prescription medication) toned down paralyzing, palpitating income pass hit hating panic (attacks) precipitated by predisposition to psychological agitation.
Thence (all seriousness now – at least for couple milli, nano, pico... seconds), approximately the last (of three twenty two decade pairings (of four score and seven years ago) did witness ray dee ant orbitz round the nearest star allowed, enabled, and provided much more ideal mindset to parry and thrust with greater moxie. Without deliberately trying to force feigned ("FAKE") hilarious sparring, this relaxed body, mind, and spirit triage naturally engendered basis to experience hitting one exclaiming prize winning home run after the other. A lightness of being (courtesy pharmacological targeted "magic bullets") augmented badinage Doppler shift. Whereas prior ill timed bloopers provoked state of getting emasculated, flustered, gripped with horror, and cursing myself, that I blew a pluperfect repartee, within last couple decades synchronized (ta dah) seemed right on cue.
Lesson from skool of hard (rib racking) knocks taught after nearly a lifetime, tis best not to come across as if such wisecracking wiseacre appeared regurgitated, rehearsed, reiterated, et cetera as yesterday's stale persiflage.
Rather than chide muss elf for realizing (ex post facto), thee most awesome creative electrifying comeback (modesty speaking here), I quickly try to practice mindfulness. How easy to fret (and become high strung) at being mere seconds tool hate. Hence opportunities to buzzfeed as a faux hotmail necessitated focusing on the bird den twittering within the heron now. Such insight considerably crucial among conversation. An acute attentiveness to apply speedy retort (and of course nsync with those engaged in dialogue) warrants peaceful easy feeling, sans accomplishing self satisfaction. Force core (and seven years ago) ring around the posy affording cuing exactly gilded retort to some previous comments required practiced pierce supped heave ear.
Now, when in the presence of my soul asylum pearl jamboree stand up comic relief persona (non grata) striving to write an essay (case in point exercise, that may flip flop in the eyes of Wergle Flomp reviewers), more exemplary elucidation, damp deliberation, or campy concentration need not be pitched instantaneously on the metaphorical heels of one who said something begging for follow up (only a Norwegian bachelor) could utter.
Quite the contrary (reiteration, asper in the above), when a situation entails writing occasion offering leeway to contemplate fine tuning printed material as circumstance presents itself here, a hybrid stream of consciousness bubbles forth in tandem with adopting somewhat extemporaneous creek key tributaries. Diligence can be paid to tweeking, twerking, or twisting (with a SHOUT) refinement to present an epistle (from unnamed marked apostle), whereby acceptance granted for fore finger (of my right hand) to press Send button.
Yea, no matter scrutiny hopes to hammer out any incongruous linkedin words, an unexpected dawning eureka will send me into momentary hermetically vacuum sealed state, upon a spur of the moment tour de force.
More lately, (this uncombed Johnny - not my real first, middle, last, nor pseudo name) will invariably awake (as if from dusky wool gathering thinking), how trite pablum solving suddenly offered gushing unstoppable prized raw bits of original laughing matter, whereat flows a guy sir with unpredictable brainstorming tendencies.
After typing an endeavor, (which also frequently strays off intended aforementioned topic de jure), proofreading might trick out an unexpected commentary. Now veering offtrack (remember the original thread?), an obligation to maintain interest of one or more experts gently guides this roving rower back to pond door the merits of laughter in general, and good humor, sans mein kampf.
I strive to strike harmonic balance between agility, gravity (gravitas), levity, et cetera. Poe king fun at this scribe off furs safer bet versus ink loo ding a questionable distracting sidebar most likely misinterpreted in these raucous, (or raw cuss) times trumpeting hell in a handbasket prophecy. Pain steak king timeliness spewing pun one mock two calls into play (at least on behalf of this tender loin sensitive guy, and impractical joker) to avoid skew whirring (even playfully) any commander (donning) as chief wart tin person, creed, dogma, ethnicity, faith (even Unitarian, but did you hear the one about...), gender, nationality, race, and so on down the alphabetical abc line.
Since intelligence (strictly based on heresay rooted in colluding mass media) bequeathed to this brute, (who whiz neither nasty nor short - though five feet ten haint very tall), an orientation tilts toward thought provoking kibitzing jibes. Seriousness (once ma middle name) needs to be offset with playfulness in the mind of this self annointed Professor Samuel Oak poke key man, an imp potent charade,façade, impression regarding who attests he does not intend to press passion of wordplay.
Perhaps that love of language, an unspoken, and/or written understanding among those who cobble the plethora combinations twenty six letters (pertaining to English) serves analogous to a dark murky pool (where deep waters run still) to explore depth, scope, width, et cetera with novel permutations, and room enough to espouse pleasure energizing communications (mine) with lightness of being.
No doubt, a bajillion possible tangents could be incorporated, and most likely doctoral thesis already drafted in lengthy tomes probably amazingly gracing shelves of storied authors. The virtue of assaying into a relatively brief composition (aiming to broadcast how this generic guy glorifies hearty guffaws, not gaffes without rhyme or reason since ain't poetry) proffers personalization, and the propensity to
(mine newt lee) meander across avast, flickr ring, joyus, kindled mindscape.
Though attuned to the value of chirping with a chuckle, the very elusiveness of corralling what constitutes what each of us snickers when debonair, deft, and suave lingual butterfingers rescues her/himself, (particularly being barred as chronicling absurdity extraterresstrials delivering what sounds like jibberish from the outer limits of the twilight zone just barely within dark shadows of the milky way) defies being definitively walled, partitioned, bracketed, et cetera unlike the hard core sciences or math, where stern calculus must be applied.
An effort to identify the palliative of agility to invoke a chortle (as perceived by one mortal), more so deals with punning, a more specific idea, what..., that only necessitated countless precious time for me to zoom in upon, and you to finally assimilate. Better late than never, yes?
So...rather than start from scratch (predicated on said premise), an effort will be made to zero in (and conclude this winding discourse) on the dogged concatenation, juxtaposition, syllabification, et cetera of adapting words other than to their intended application. That tends tubby especially usable with vocalizing and hearing, though still telly scopes setting literary schmaltz cat, dog, fish food with vichyssoise for thought.
Difficulty arose identifying said quirkiness underscoring what triggers tittering (with or without) plenti of twittering. I do apologize plying amateurish antics (akin to a roustabout) desperately hankering to identify thee essential kernel, but perhaps maybe "thinking out loud" simultaneously while typing helped to arrive at key specific point blank esoteric recipe (more coveted than popular ingredients to powder milk biscuits, clear cut precise rai·son d'ê·tre turning "s" words into louche errs!