The Nightingale -Chapter One preparations

Chapter 1: Preparations
Hmm, so that boy was the child of a lord? Ha! Wonderous! After all, I can't just let a boy wonder the void alone now can I? No! Of course not! He needs supervision, and who better to supervise him than his babbling father, Derik The Dangerous, Ha! More like Derik The Disgusting!" Ah and what better way to kill a disgusting insect then with fire! Yes! That's it, I"ll burn down his entire palace, and what better bait then his son.
"Where is my Jeremey? I saw him go outside with Amy, and I swear if he's hurt I will have your head!"
"Derik! That's enough, Amy wouldn't do anything to hurt your son, I'm sure they're both fine. Now please stop threatening everyone to have ever laid their eyes on Jeremey, you're starting to scare people."Â
"And so what if I am?" He couldn't keep the rage and panic out of his voice, where was his boy? He knew it was dangerous with The Nightingale about, so why did he go out into the woods with that little red-headed annoyance.
"Hey, Amy's my daughter ok, and I'm just as worried about her as you are about Jeremey, but am I screaming at every maidservant and cook I lay my eyes on specifically because they've been seen with her? Well, am I?"
" I guess you're not, but I saw them go into the woods. You saw the damage she did to those thieves, and there were a hundred or more of them, killing children would be a piece of cake for her. God, I hope they're ok."
"They'll be fine, if they're not home by midnight then we can send out the soldiers, even this legendary "Nightingale can't defeat an army of 2000 soldiers all armed with the finest swords in all of Segarious!"
"All right Elizabeth, we'll continue as usual, but if they're not here within the hour, then you'll be leading the assault on that rundown old manor yourself."
"You've got yourself a deal Derik."
Rundown? How dare they! The only thing that's rundown is this palace, once I've finished with it that is. I can already hear the crackling of the flames...and the crackling of my laughter, haha! I can only imagine their pathetic screams, imagine that foolish lord on his knees, begging for his life. Ha! Not a chance, never ever going to happen. Now, It's time to get to work.
" Lady Life, bless me once again with your presence. I ask you once more, please come forth and help me to rid this land." This power does wonders to me, feeling it flow through me as I say these almighty words, this will never get old.
A song splits the air, Â every thread of colour dissipates and reality falls away. All that lays before The Nightingale now is an elegant, young women with luscious, red hair that spills all the way down her back, it almost reaches her toes. She is wearing her usual attire, a delicious gown, of the finest gold, Â which hugged all of her womanly curves. It makes her seem like a marvellous statue. Her beauty definitely matches her voice, Â Abbey thought to herself. Her voice was after all as sweet as the most popular dessert. She really did seem like an angel, with her white-gold wings and her beautiful voice.
"Ah Lady Life, how joyous you make me today! You know what I"m here to ask, and yes I know treating those children the way I did was terribly unkind, but you must remember what his father has done to many more innocent people, children included. Sometimes the only way to win is to, well, fight fire with fire" - a huge grin spread across my face at these words- " So, can you assist me with your wonderous magic once again, my lady?"
"Yes you are right, I know all of these things, and I also know what your plan is, but you must remember your purpose in this matter, you are the most dangerous person in all the 14 realms! You are dealing with this matter because I do not have the time to, so why do you keep on pestering me?"Â
"My Lady, I-I apologize, I did not mean to bother you, but I am still in need of you when it comes to magical matters, I still do not fully understand how to wield my magic without you there to guide me, and the matter at hand will most definitely require magic."
"Very well, I will assist you. But only if you promise to not hurt any other children that may take up residence in the palace."
I smile, not being able to help myself. "Of course. my Lady."
I have decided to discontinue this series, sorry to anyone who has been waiting for more of it.