The Nightingale-prologue

"Jeremey stop worrying, there is no such thing as the nightingale, ok? Think about it, how could someone be both women and a bird. It doesn't make any sense, it's physically impossible."
"Amy don't, I know she's real. I know you think it's impossible, but that's the whole point, she doesn't abide by the rules of science, why would she? If you had as much, magic as her, you probably wouldn't either."
"Jeremey, there is no such thing as magic, and would you quit using huge words. I'm supposed to be the smart one remember."
"Whatever Amy."
"Hey don't you whatever me! Hey wait, where are you going? Jeremey wait up."
"Well if your so sure that the nightingale doesn't exist, then you won't mind coming with me to where she is supposed to live, would you?
"What! Jeremey have you gone mad? We can't go there. We'll be killed!"
"Oh? I thought you didn't believe the nightingale existed? And if she does, how is she meant to kill us hmm? if magic doesn't exist then how is she going to hurt us? Two of the best sword-wielders in the whole province."
"Jeremey, look ok I'm sorry. But please, it's dark out here and I don't want either of us to get hurt. Can we please go back to the palace now?"
"Haha! I knew you thought she was real!"
"Oh alright, come on then, Home we go."
"Wait, Jeremey...did you hear that? It sounds like there's someone above us..."
"What? Oh haha, I see, trying to get payback already huh? Nice try but I'm not falling for your tricks."
"No Jeremey I'm not joking, Listen..."
Jeremey did as he was told, and he stopped walking. He could hear noises now, like branches being snapped, but it was getting quieter. Like it was moving away from them.
"Amy it's fine, it was probably just some thief, he would've got scared when he realized who we are and so he ran away."
"Probably." Still, Amy couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, she'd had it since they had started walking into the forest and towards the old manor where people had heard screaming from in the middle of the night. That was where everyone thought the nightingale retreated to after she'd completed her business, whether it be stealing from some rich lord, or killing some detective who was close to finding out her real identity. Amy did believe that the nightingale was real, she'd seen her with her own eyes before, but the legend that she was some kind of magical assassin, she didn't believe a word of that. Magic wasn't real.
"Such a young girl, and you don't believe in magic? A shame. Whilst I am sad to say this, It is your own fault. You have strayed too close to my home, and now the two of you must die, I promise it will be painless. I have no interest in making children suffer"
It was true, whatever the filthy law-makers of this town said, she didn't enjoy killing. Especially people who were so young.
"Amy! Get behind me now! Alright, who are you? Show yourself, I command you as the son of Derik the dangerous!"
"Oh your blood means nothing to me boy, but since the two of you are going to die anyway I suppose I can tell you who I am. My name is Abbeygale, or as you would know me as I do seem to be quite famous now, or should I say infamous, The one and only, the legendary -"
"Oh get on with it, stop talking yourself up, who the hell are you?
"I, am The Nightingale."