Story - 23 August 2016, 11:36 Voodoo Economics Stephen Vattimo Hay, did anyone out there hear about Hillary Clinton’s Plan to improve the economy? I sum it up with these simple words, “Accident, Neck Brace, and Lawyer. Written Stephen J. Vattimo Aug 23, 2016 Like 1 Pin it 1 Views: 407 Rating: Total votes: 1 Tags: Famous Funny Political Thief Story Genre: Fiction Humor Political Fiction Topic: Humour 1 comment
sparrowsong23 August 2016, 11:49 Hello Stephen... Alot of rear ending is our future? At least we still be alive? Would you rather die in a car accident or be blown up in a thousand pieces? Choices? Thank you for sharing... Hugs... sparrowsong Reply
Hello Stephen...
Alot of rear ending is our future?
At least we still be alive?
Would you rather die in a car accident or be blown up in a thousand pieces?
Thank you for sharing...