Story -

Vows. Not Bows.

Vows. Not Bows.

He, had all the " benefits " ! Of, a classic education. It, was in that, that there was the total piece of a satisfied mind. But, still yearning for, more. In the increase of knowledge, by the right means, he found all he desired. He, found a place where progress could be made. On, an " eternal " road blessed, with interest. Plus, a lot extra besides. He, knew what forced the pursuit of more, than was ever perceived possible. All ways, and forever. Her.
She, shone above. Like the brightest star guiding the weary traveller, in the right direction. To the " Final Destination " where anything could happen. And, invariably would. You, had to admire her " way " ! Of, doing things. Far removed from the ordinary notion, communicated stridently, and predominately adhered to. Shown clearly, by example. Of, history.
He, assumed. Even, though assumption and presumption could be questioned. With her, in mind, he deemed it fully appropriate. To, emphasize the metamorphosis " state " she represented, away from influences of the collective " consciousness. " Or, even lethargy, or tardiness, bereft of ideas on how to find " bonus features " from the life-giving waters, and light. 
So, she expressed herself. Completely. In any way, shape or form, she saw fit. To, affect him.The circumstances, and, the over-riding objective, also. To, gain where others thought you could not. To, glean out-of-life every pound of flesh. Putting more onto the bones of any " subject " than was ever drawn-up, by any body, or mind, trying to compete with her " adventurous " nature.
The journey, was grander in scale, due to her love of everything and anything. And, her willingness to share a load. Or, a reward. Pulled from the " gene pool, " as well as evidence, from corrective actions, mistakes by others, or rationally, the " creative urge " !  She, therefore, seemed to know it all.
How fortunate, that was, for him ? As he was taught lesson after lesson. Going on his merry way, in to eternal design of the higher power. But, seemingly in tune with her persuasive, and, responsive, and " celebratory " take on matters. Beyond, the limitations of society, or civilized conduct. Here, he knew his place. And, well. Getting as much from, it, as could ever be quantified. The appeal was there. To, give. Apart, from take-away feelings of inadequacy, before judgement. From wherever that, may come.
You, saw it, in his eyes. The truth. You, saw the " lust for life " derived from the brazen disregard of conformity. To be, with her. Influenced, sometimes, beyond belief. In a way others may not understand. Due, to the vast majority of " them " playing it safe. Not strong enough to see the advantages of going, where pioneering types, could have gone previously. If, prepared to do so. And, there defined the challenges, for better, or worse, described as seen appropriate, on a case by case basis.
Also, striking, was the philosophy to expand " horizons " with archetypal learning processes, honed from natural instincts. There, lay the passion. To, experience, and thus, to educate oneself. To the optimum level. To, gain " The EDGE " ! Obviously.
It, is comprihensible. Knowing, he was married. That, does affect things.And, quite a lot. It, must be said. For, common purpose. As well as related decision-making selections. You, cannot deny, there lies, " the DIFFERENCE " ! Or, something " fantasized " as such !   
Discuss ? If, you can, or dare to.
Don't ignore precedent. It, may be detrimental.

See, the motion picture " Her. " For some, " guidance " !

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