What's The Name Of That Perfume You Are Wearing ?

Here is a short humorous story I was inspired to write about Ann Nicole Smith.
A couple of weeks ago the media resurrected Ann Nicole Smith from the dead ,through reporting on a story about her daughter starting to do some modd0ling for a line of children's clothes .
Now Ann Nicole Smith had been dead almost five years,and there hasn't been a year that has past with out the media doing some kind of story evolving her past life,or about her family . I believe the media resurrects her every time they run out news to report,which they deem worthy to put on the air waves.
I personally don't understand why the media even wast their time continuing to write stories about her. She didn't really accomplish anything of value to society.
all she was was a modal for Guess and Playboy,she appear briefly in a few movies (having small acting parts). Worse of all was her reality show ,were she was this over weight slob displaying the IQ of a pickle that wined her way through the show.
And she married some 90+ year old man who made the Crimp Keep look like a sex symbol. To get his money when he died,for he was a very wealthy man.
Now to ketch the humor in this story you need to under what Myrrh is and what it was used for in times past.
Myrrh was used in the embalming or anointing of the dead, it came to represent mortality, suffering, and sorrow. The Israelites used perfumed ointments of myrrh in their funeral preparations to postpone the decay and alleviate the odors of the deceased. Although less than one pound was normally used in Israelite funerary preparations, Nicodemus brought "a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds" to prepare Jesus's body for burial (John 19:39)
I heard that Kalvin Cline has resurrected Ann Nicole Smith to make her their poster child for their new perfume call MYRRH.
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo December 21 2012
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