Ghost story eyes bleed incisions left behind trickles a flooded surge palms gather...
It was the first Christmas without you.. Your presence I dearly miss.. Though not mentioned...
You have been ordered At the local Grocery Store
I realize Our...
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Mom never has Removed Your greeting From the phone You shared A...
This priestly body deflowered undressed alone dragged by my power history balances on...
Tripping, tangled tormented tricksters imagination ,desperation falling as autumns precious...
Changed my mind
My minds at war bombs dropping everywhere turning into ice bars freezing I've so I can't think then melting...
Shocked into submission . Pushed over the edge . Banged head against internal walls . Blue in the face ....
Take off the skin you arrived in I've been waiting drawing poetry scars on waxed wooden...
Thru the passageways of photographic imagery in my head my over-active cogs spiral memoirs I have tread...
a mother cries as another dies
returning to ashes these fading eyes
Comfort for the losses, the body's that rain. A never-ending cycle, a constant filled pain. ...
Blood pressure like her life is up and down . Still giving it until it faints away . Heart like her good...
In my very first memories your always be there With your coffee cup and long dark hair ...
I don’t need a special titled day to remember you I don’t have the words to say how badly I...