You may well ask why I am busy, planting all these little love seeds in...
Death Death,
I just ran. away from everyone away from the pain away from the...
Blame bird Stone wings Can't fly
Bitter winds Karmic sky Let it fly...
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The Bird roams the wild grass. His flight is on halt, Inside the ribcage he protects his...
You can choose not to fix your wrong...
You can choose to create as much hurt you possibly can...
I'm at a crossroad, my dad is getting better, He's been more calm, But it's still hard...
In the valley of hush Where the avalanche of broken trust lays Uncertainty is a wasteland...
Before I knew you, you knew me...
Before I loved you, you loved me...
Before I said I'm...
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before you and ask for you to forgive them for they know not what they...
Would you believe I forgot if I said my prayers before bed and again, upon my...
Christians aren't supposed to get revenge, they're supposed to forgive. And Christians are supposed...
Many years ago I lost you Gone forever, in a flash We were playing Russian Roulette, ...
I puff out my chest. Not in arrogance, but to let the light hit my heart. Too many days and...
Ocean splayed her tidal hair draped across this pillows mane Silent rising breaths echo in...
I keep thinking I'm sinking...? In my dreams, I feel nothing but fear... Awake I'm fake, I'm...
I understood quickly of the mistake I made...
I don't know if this will be accepted...
When I think of my life I see traffic lights A green light giving me the go ahead have faith and it...