Long Nights Pain an Soul Is Battling They trying to tame cage My...
The authorative position had always alluded him. He wished for responsibility, but, had never been given...
Beautifully portrayed by Shawnee Smith in the SAW movies Amanda Young is a former heroin addict who has a...
The day the film crew came to my town Everyone tried to take a peek at what was going down ...
The greatest movie ever made, to me, “The Hustler” has no peer; It’s about a pool shark named Eddie...
Ah! The Golden Years of Hollywood And those old black and white movies Some were cinematic...
I won't watch anymore Disney movies because I don't like how Disney treats their fans. They call us...
I remember the very last film to be shown Granthams Granada 1969 Easy Rider, films had already fallen to a...
This my tribute to the late great film director Sam Peckinpah, The Wild Bunch a real man's movie violent,...
Watching tv late one night, I heard a noise outside, Instead of going to investigate, ...
Over here, Look over here! Give me your eyes, Show me your smile! You live to a...