Segal never lost after his juvenile martial arts pose, Van Damme beaten up still managed to beat his...
If you're not into comedy please don't look here...
Same movie different views...
Some say...
( I have posted this poem of mine on several different international poetry sites everytime there is a...
Hello! Hello? Is anyone there? Yep. Mushi mushi to you too! Yes that’s right, it’s me...
In the year of 1933, Starring in a Hollywood feature. A movie with a great difference,...
Dusty hazel eyes, Warm echoing laugh, A smile that could charm the socks off a troll, ...
Fierce, uncontrolled, powerful minds Focused, determined, can’t unwind So alike yet different...
I need a plot device. A plot device for a narrative poem. A MacGuffin. That's what...
If it wasn't for the composer John Williams, A killer shark would become a beached whale. ...
A world of fantasy, A world of wizardry. That place everybody wants to go to. Yet it...
Joe, someone told me about you. But I already knew you, only, your name was not Joe. Joe, God knows...
Every word and action smothered in caution, Can't find out, Can't see it, Sweetest soul,...
Shimmering stormy silver eyes, Flowing raven shoulder-length hair, A smirk that could charm...
Soft dusty fur, Wide starry eyes, Caution permeating every step they take, Gentle...
On the silver screen he takes the leading role Plays his part so well and puts in his heart and...