Too cute and so much LOVE resonating from this little post. The first family dog we had as kids was called Buster. He was a collie crossed with a Beagle and he went everywhere with me in the summer holidays :) lived for ten blissful years. Thanks for reminding me of him Rob, your Buster looks adorable 😊 x
Too cute and so much LOVE resonating from this little post. The first family dog we had as kids was called Buster. He was a collie crossed with a Beagle and he went everywhere with me in the summer holidays :) lived for ten blissful years. Thanks for reminding me of him Rob, your Buster looks adorable 😊 x
Your very welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed and got a good memory out of it :)
Hahaha...Buster is just soooooo cute!! Wonderful fun poem x
Thank you Tina , I gave him a haircut yesterday and a bath. He's a needy little guy lol. But he thinks the same about me lol
Halfway through I had to paws just to get my breath back .. adorable Rob .. absolutely adorable N :)
Neville If it wasn't a Haiku I mightve taken the poem "fur"ther , I'm glad you enjoyed my doggone poem 🤪~Rob
furry nuff my friend :)
Now that I'm at the tail end of these comments ;)
Impawsable we have only just begun :)
It seems we both have marked our territories in these responses, who knows to the pedigree we will go , your comments are off the leash N.