Come To Me

~Come to Me~
"Come to me," he said again,
to my dismay and tired chagrin,
I fought to tarry a while longer...
As I grew weak, he grew much stronger.
β...Come to me.β
'Tis just a melding of simple fate,
a subject not for one's debate;
and lo', this wretched creature beckoned,
I fought him off just as he'd reckoned...
β...Come to me.β
Am I not worthy of your best?β
Have you not put me to the test?
I dare not wish eternal sleep...
He looked at me, blank socketsβdeep.
β...Come to me.β
His skinless masque, devoid of feature,
with feral grin, this wretched creature
reached yon his slender hands of bone,
beseechingβwhispered, "I'll take you home...
...Come to me."
Where is this you and I must go,
to heaven's gates, or fires below?
Won't you divulge our destination?
Yet, he looked on;βgaunt presentation...
β...Come to me.β
May I offer you some wine?
Perhaps, if you just took some time,
you'll see I do not wish to go.
He smiled at me and said,ββI know...
...Come to me.β
Wretched creature, scourge of nations,
wrest to me your dire damnations.
Can I not reason with you one bit?
Please, sir, hereβdo come and sit.
β...Come to me.β
I must remain, my works undone;
the battles wane, the wars not done.
Is my fight not worth completing?
He just looked on and kept repeating...
β...Come to me.β
Oh Death, I know your wretched grin,
reflections seen in my own sin;
have I no time to make amends?
This cannot be how my life ends...
β...Come to me.β
I refuse, said I, I will not go!
His voice grew grim, his countenanceβlo'
'til I arose, from tufted bed,
turned once, looked back, then softly saidββgood-byeβ...
...and went

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I love this haunting repetition.. combined with the dark subject matter, a wonderful narrative. Good work, Dean!
Thanks so much for reading!
By the way, at the risk of sounding stupid, how should I address you by name?
Thanks again,
~Dean :)
no worries Dean, my name is Leah, lovely to meet you!
Thank you, Leah. It is a pleasure to meet you as well. :)
Hello Dean...
Creatively creepy indeed!
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
Thanks for reading and commenting, sparrowsong. I sincerely appreciate it.
Damn Dean another awesome ink!
Thanks for reading, Lisa.
I appreciate it as always.
~Dean β οΈ
Great Write, well constructed, I loved it. read it several times.
are you familiar with a song Ralph Stanley did called "O DEATH"?
Thanks for the chance to read this.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my poem, John.
I am not familiar with the work you mentioned but I will look it up.
Enjoy the week ahead, my friend.
~Dean β οΈ
Hope you donβt mind I found it for you originally written by an old preacher
I don't mind at all, John, and thank you.
I'll be sure to check it out.
~Dean :)
Hi Dean, great poem. There's no escaping death that's for sure. I too thought he'd got away until I read it a second time. Great write.
- Syd
Thanks very much for reading, Syd, and for letting me know about the ending as well. I'll have to look into changing a few things to see if I can make the meaning a bit clearer.
Enjoy the week ahead, my friend.
~Dean :)
You're welcome Dean, I wouldn't suggest changing it. It just took me a couple of reads. Like I said on my first read I interpreted it the same way as Cherie.
Take care - Syd
Okay, and thanks again, Syd.
~Dean ?
Atmospheric artistic romp of purposeful imagination. Your visions are exquisitely manufactured.
Thanks, for your creative leanings being shared.
Take care.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting, Richard.
I very much appreciate it.
Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
I love reading your poems, I love spooky, thrilling, just scary stuff in general you would make one hell of a camp fire story teller
Funny, I was just heading over to your portfolio to read your latest offering, Tara.
I love your writing as well.
As a boy, I was the one who scared the beejeezus out of everyone around the campfire telling terror tales and reciting Poe's poetry.
I can recite The Raven from memory, I've done it so many times.
I still do to this day, if they allow me to, heh-heh.
I'll go to your page and read your newest poem ASAP.
Thanks so much again for reading me.
Pleasant Screams!
~Dean ?β«?βͺ
I love Edger Allan Poe, The Raven is one of my all time favorites of his. I too scared allot of people even to this day. However my scary stories where of my own paranormal experiences all though many did not believe until they saw for themselves. I know I sound crazy I am truly not, okay maybe I am but being normal is just boring. I truly love the unexplained and my brother is the one I share it with. For some reason just for fun we explore the areas that are haunted around us and let me tell ya its a thrill
I too am an amateur ghost hunter, Tara.
I bought a spirit box, an EVP recorder, and a laser grid that sends out millions of tiny, lime green pinpoints of light.
If anything unseen breaks that grid, I can see the shape of whatever it is.
My most memorable experience was in Witches Cemetery, near Muncie, Indiana.
We waited until 3:00 am before we set up shop. We were right next to a circular grave, filled with thirteen children who died as a result from an orphanage catching fire where a supposed "witch" was burned at the stake.
The things we heard and saw there that night cannot be explained in mere mortal terms.
The recording would stand every hair on your body on end.
It still does mine, and that was over six years ago.
I've been a paranormal investigator as a hobby ever since.
~Dean ;)
That is amazing, we only have an EVP recorder and a camera that we use.
My most memorable night was when we hit up this old cemetery, where a witch is supposedly buried at so we were looking for her grave. Along with myself, my brother, his girlfriend and his friend were all walking around taking pictures and recordings his friend wondered off and when we found him we were only a foot away from him hollering for him, he did not respond, we hollered at him for ten mins and no response we took a picture of him and what we saw (before he turned to answer us) was a ghostly figure coming out of his body. The air became heavy making it harder for me to breath and the darkness became darker. That is when I got a sicken feeling of anger and I told them it was time to leave. We walked back to the car and got in only to see a car coming so we all ducked. Next thing I know my brothers friend rolls down the window and starts talking to someone. I asked him who he was talking to. He said " The man at the window, can you not see." We all looked at each other for we did not see he told us that the man was dark with white teeth. Being scared we left. My brothers friend said that he was chasing us. So on this same night we go to this wooded area where my brother was at earlier in the month and heard " Are you afraid to die" and was ripped out of his truck. I pulled in as far as I could as we got out we started walking deeper into the woods. I stopped for the air became really heavy something was telling me to go back. I told them I could not go any further and my brothers girlfriend felt the same. As we returned back to the car we just get in and we see my brother and his friend running as fast as they can. They get in screaming telling me to leave. As a back up It sounded like I hit something I stopped right away thinking I was the only one that heard that. My brother asked if I hit someone I told him that there was no one around. We got out to look not able to find anything or anyone. We went home to listen to the recorder. Here to find out right before I said I couldnt go any further you hear a voice saying no don't go, come back and as we walked back you hear it say thats right come back. And then to our knowledge the sound of hitting someone or something was on there and you hear "YOU HIT ME, YOU....." The weird part is the recorder began to loop like almost as it was recorded twice and not once. When I laid down that night I heard that whisper over and over to the point where I sat up and said " I did not hit you for you were not alive when I hit you."
Unless sheeple...errrr, heh-heh...I meant people, of corpse, experience things like we have for themselves, they will never believe us.
You can present the evidenceβallow them to listen, watch and hearβin all its glory.
Still, they gawk at you like you're crazy. and I know better, don't we?
~Dean ;) α¦
As we do. Being open minded to many things, there are reasons to why we are different. Although I have not found this reason to be clear maybe we are not normal and people tend to laugh. Maybe we are meant to walk among the human beings for maybe we are only human as disguise, one will never know! With that said and done, I stand here to be judge, only not to judge the ones who cannot explain fear. Honestly I think more people have experienced the unknown they just don't want to admit to such kind of thing for they fear people judging them.