Poem -



She cringes as she hears his footsteps
Sounds that have become very familiar
Each step bringing him closer to her doorstep

She knows what is coming, what would befall her
Blows been dealt and the sheets turn crimson
Her  blood and tears mingled together 

She’s left to ponder at this late hour
How can a love once so right go all wrong?
How can a love so sweet turn so sour?

She goes back in time to reminisce
To remember a guy so sweet who almost worshiped her
Who made her feel like the queen while he the king

He has became a total stranger
What happened to change him she can’t tell
All in a swift he has became a monster

She tells lies after lies to cover up for bruises and welts
Her self esteem and self worth stripped off her
Run for her life she thinks, but to where?
Family and friends feel it’s wrong to leave him
Even when her life is in danger, she dares not
No matter what happens she should stick to him

Some think it’s her fault  to get so damaged
They don’t care what she’s going through, she started it all
Others would say pray and wait for him to change

But wait! Is there any reason for domestic violence?
Is it a crime to love a person sincerely? 
A lot of women die, killed by their spouses…mostly in silence

Wonder what turn some men to beast that they become so violent 
Somany are scared to voice out and ashamed of what people would say
Ever care how she her heart, body and soul are damaged?

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Deborah Evans

Hi  Sweet Rose I relate so much to your write sadly 
and have written many poems on the topic of domestic abuse 
I was so lucky to be able to free myself from an abuser through a group 
we have here called Women s Aide I  think I owe them my life
I applaud and respect you for bringing awareness of domestic abuse
to the forefront with this poignant heartfelt piece 
Great write pinned 
Lots of love Debs 

Rose Sho

Hi Debs...I've read your writes on Domestic abuse... They are really inspiring coming from you whom have had the experience of what it means to be abused...I'm glad you're a survivor as so many women don't  live to share their stories....Thank you so much...you're one of the kindest people I've met here that have made my stay worthwhile....I'm thrilled to know you pinned this...

I'm very sorry for the late response 

Tony Taylor

Your ROSE-NESS!!.... this subject matter is so powerful..... but you have taken it to a place of poetically high velocity ....,,,where the quality is unforgettable...... making the subject matter TOTALLY "front and center"..... which is where it should be...... but most often it's hidden from public scrutiny....... you're one of my heroes  girlfriend!!.......PINNED this!!....it's important!!...... your friend and admirer!!.......T xo ?✳♥

Rose Sho

Yaaay! Feels good to have you here.... Thank you for your ever encouraging words... I'm thrilled you pinned it... Thank you very much... LOVE and ROCKETS!! ??

Rose Sho

P.S very sorry for the late response... My device  got issues...


Such a powerful, courageous, heart aching piece. A topic which many hide, due to fear. Love is powerful, but isn't selfish or violent. No one should stay in such a relationship. Especially while feeling to be in danger. 

Thought provoking ink. Best wishes to you. 

Rose Sho

Thank you very much..love your words...I'm glad you stopped by

Larry Ran

My Sweet Rose,

Bring me this man that abuses you, for he is a coward, using his wimpy might on a poor defenseless woman.  Drop him at my doorstep, that I may inflict upon him threefold the years of pain he has done to you.  Then I will ask him, if he wants life or death.  The latter, I will most happily bless him with. But, if he chooses the former, he must pledge never to hurt you again, knowing that if he breaks his vow, he will suffer a fate far worse that death.

Love you,

Daddio xxx

Rose Sho

Of course any man that would abuse a woman is a coward...My sweet Daddio...I know I can always count on you...You'd always be there for me...Thanks for your kind and beautiful words

Love you

Georgina Richardson

This is a very well written piece on a subject that is so important to talk about and bring it into the open. Violence, be it physical or emotional, can occur in relationships no matter what the gender! The important thing is to tell someone who you trust that it is happening and to ask for help. Many victims stay quiet because they think they won`t be believed and so the cycle goes on. There are many charities out there that help victims of violence, but sadly there are not enough! Well done sweetie for bringing this subject to your readers attention and for doing such a sterling job of it too. I`m very proud of you and God bless you.

I love my little Rosebud

Mummy xx

Rose Sho

Yaaaay!!....It feel so good to have you back after a while....I've really missed you...Thank you very much for your ever inssighful and loving words.....It's rewarding to know you're proud of me....

I love you very much

Your little Rosebud

Leah Yodico

Thanks Rose for bringing this topic out into the open!!!  a relief! 

   " she cringes as she hears his footsteps ""

I could just imagine how terrifying that is for her not knowing what will happen next##

What I've experienced was the opposite - the constant silence as if you can hear the sound of a falling thread - so appalling that there was no exchange of words ## that lasted 7 years!  It's like a " cold war" ## It's over now.! I found my peace of my mind when I ended up the relationship. # Three is always a crowd and what makes matter worse if the third party is someone you don't expect!! 

I think emotional violence is tantamount to physical violence. they both leave scars in our existence!!  Thanks for sharing .  ## Actually, I have been thinking about this to be my next topic ## I just don't have time at the moment. 

I salute your bravery!!   

Rose Sho

Another form of abuse is the silent treatment...Where a spouse goes for months without saying a words to the other...It leads to emotional torture and sometimes death...I'm glad you walked out of  yours alive...and thank God you found  peace of mind afterwards...there is no relationship that is worth dying for....

It could be either emotional, physical or verbal violence...they all leave scars and could kill...I can't wait to read your write on this topic....I hope you have the time to do so soonest...

Thanks a million!!


great subject matter, you have really captured something here! Domestic abuse is often hidden (well at least tried to be) Its such a difficult thing for anyone man or woman to cope with.

Great Piece

Lorna xx

Rose Sho

Thank you very much Lorna...I'm thrilled to have you stop by...

Warmest regards

Jimmy Arnold

Hey Rose,

A very powerful piece of truth spoken, that should (never), to have been a part of anyone's life to live, no one accept, (the abuser)..A great subject and matter, to shed upon, all deserving attention and light, it bestows......Jim

Rose Sho

Thank you very much Jim....Your words are always encouraging....I'm privileged to have you stop my writes and comment so beautifully....You've made my day...Thanks a ton!

James Curtis Geist

I graduated in 1984 from high school  (class of 700).   Three of my former classsmates are in jail for having killed their wives or girlfriends.    For those who have been abuse as children, there is a 12 step group called ASCA  - Adult Survivors of Child Abuse  (mental, physical or sexual) - fyi.   Feel free to pass it on to any survivors you may know.


Rose Sho

Firstly, I'm really sorry for the very late response.... Secondly it's sad how people die as a result of domestic violence...The surprising thing is when a spouse kill the other.. you wonder where all the love that was once professed has gone to....It's sad to learn about your friends...lastly, I'd tell survivors I know about ASCA....Thanks you very much.

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