Poem -

Overzealousness and assiduousness...

Overzealousness and assiduousness...

now propels yours truly towards restitution
courtesy sophisticated mountebank,
whose criminal mind
filched mine banknotes
rationed for when I exhibit decrepitude.
Cutthroat robber baron
re: newly minted vandal
an alumni matriculated
from school for scandal
a sheep in wolf's clothing
said culprit I call Randall
fleeced me such
more likely than not,
I will be forced to panhandle
and read book of Matthew
courtesy light of candle.

Mein kampf cloaked
with appurtenances of Medieval age
since money bags bereft
of mine lifetime earnings wage.

Bills come due without means to pay
not surprising angry feelings I display,
cuz he who whisked off with bounty
mutinous wordsmith of Schwenksville
yearns to hunt down and slay
thief who ran off with my loot
about eighteen plus days from yesterday
depending on whether I count back

from June twentieth, or twenty first
(before my troubles
seemed so far away)
and quite purposeless to pray
nor doth vindictiveness
appeal to me an aging baby
boomer pronouncing c'est la vie
another rhyme without reason oy vey.

I still smart even
long after hashtagging culprit
as misbegotten rat fink
snagged me as his quarry,
wherewithal of mine absent
nary a handy dandy blues clues
surrendering legal tender
without suspicion nor question
totally trusting typecast
mischievous loathsome devil.

Truth be told,
I take nine prescription medications
(for severe social anxiety,
mild depression, and palmar hyperhidrosis),
and often feel (dazed and confused)
in a heavily drugged stupor.

All sense and sensibility
went out the window
on what began
as an ordinary Tuesday without Morrie.

I already filed a police report
after being milked dry as a bone
for above mentioned funds
dirty deeds done dirt cheap
mean miscreants cached (>15 k),
which incident occurred
encompassing the dates
June 20th and 21st 2023,
whereby an Apple tech impersonator
scared the dickens out of me
by claiming Macbook Pro
replete with countless Trojan Horses,

computer viruses, malware, et cetera,
and mislead me to withdraw cash
out checking and savings accounts
then going to the nearest ATM
to convert cash
into bitcoin cyber currency
vis a vis courtesy creating
easy to pluck virtual pursestrings
thru My Wallet.com
said funds siphoned immediately
into the coffers of hucksters.

Elizabeth Clark,
a licensed practical nurse,
(who approves prescription medication
electronically scripted to
Skippack Pharmacy)
suggested I create a gofundme page,
which thus far witnessed
absolute zero donations.

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Hello Matthew...

​​​​​I don't need to go back to your writes a couple, few years ago...

Who you were for and who you were against...

So many of you were all singing the same song...

You said you weren't concerned...

You get Government assistance....

So who cares was basically your answer...

Stimulus checks filling your mailbox...

Free money...

I asked when does the Government really give us anything for free that would actually put us ahead of the game?

Again you weren't concerned...

I believe you have a child/children...

You weren't concerned for their future...

You were in complete control...

Now, you talk about a Go Fund Me Page?

I must ask if this is real or are you just working on a side hustle?



matthew harris

i acknowledge receipt of your critique (diatribe?) against what you conclude  myself as a money grubber (grabber?) predicated on recognizing yours truly as recipient of social security disability, plus county benefits.

Psychological disability (since birth?) forever found me extremely socially ill at ease, and distraught with debilitating panic attacks as i got promoted (barely) from one grade to the next.

methinks harsh judgement of yours truly misses the mark, and quick to make erroneous assumptions recognizing perversity (mine) as some reductio ad absurdum attempting to convince readers familiar with my saga (as revealed over time courtesy COSMOFUNNEL), which poetic postings rank as a sounding board.   

extreme appalling grievance (linkedin with unwise choices to rush in where angels fear to tread) such as donning the role of lothario years gone by (while married, and still the wife remains forgiving) a feeble attempt to compensate for absolute zero dating experience when an adolescent and young adult.

perhaps most recent debacle (visit scam mad ticks) just desserts for (what i infer as your infuriating justification) regarding dependence (mine) on social welfare support encompassing what i portray as hard times during mein kampf.


I figured you'd say something like that...

Dost shall not protest too much...


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Texting and sexting as therapy

Texting and sexting as therapy

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(especially former Norwegian
bachelor farmers from Lake Woebegone, -

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Ordinary married...

Ordinary married sexagenarian mortal fêted as savior incarnate...

Courtesy a plethora of marriageable females
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