Thank You
Thank you for the money, Mom
That helped me pay the rent
You really are a honey
Your "help" was heaven sent
Thank you, Mom, for all the times
You bailed me out of jail
And believed in me no matter
How ridiculous my tale
Thanks for washing all my clothes
And lending me your car
If not for you I never could
Have gotten to the bar
Thanks for understanding
When I didn't bring it back
In time for you to go to church
I needed to buy crack.
Thanks for all the gifts
You gave without my earning
Thanks for all the lessons
You prevented me from learning
Thank you for the cell phone
Thank you for the cash
It really came in handy for
Replenishing my stash
Thank you for the brand new suit
Thank you for the coffin
And for ignoring everyone
Though they tried to warn you often
That your help was not so helpful
For I still kept making choices
That destroyed my thanks, Mom,
For ignoring all their voices
Thanks for thirty years of help,
I lived my life with style
And when I'm gone, I'll thank you
For remembering my smile
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