The Perpendicularness of Horizontal.
Expunging the Briefs.

Where I come from, there is an ancient practice called Spungling. It involves varnishing things until they are almost completely done, yet leaving a harrowing blemish of plain wood there, where everyone can see it, and it drives them nuts.
I'm not sure what this has to do with my poem, but this one is for Bob, my 'boyfriend', although he won't admit it.
O! Tender leaves of silent grass,
Whence wilt thou stop the winds that pass?
I favor but the silent seas,
That never toil, and never freeze
I walked beside the current there,
The wind removed my fragile hair
And yet quite taken by the day,
My thoughts returned to my toupee
The pebbles in the sand did see,
The broken pieces lost in me
And still they filtered down the stem,
For even time can't forge a gem
On rays of golden, virgin, sun,
The colors of my skin did run,
Like flowers in a misty stupor,
Arousing scenes of Alice Cooper!
Please come in, and sit with me,
Beside the chorus of the sea
Amid the docile, circling tones,
That fall to silence on the stones
I used to love you 'til I heard,
You likened me to young Squidward
But now the heart for which you robbed,
Will ever SpongeBobbed.

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Hi Ima,Â
I'm actually a big fan of Squidward, so I think you're great(except for that toupee...or is the toupee a metaphorical reference to a hairball?? I remember once, when my cat had a tongue injury, I had to clean him, and I got them, too, but then I realized I don't own a cat. It was a little disheartening. I love Alice Cooper, too, Cheerie and I were sharing songs by him the other day, but you do look a lot like him when your makeup runs, only different.Â
Anyway, I thought that was great, and I hope you and Roberto have a wonderful life together, or at least a good night watching Nicktoons.Â
Dear Ima, you should write more poetry! I am definitely a fan of your work. I think that this may be about your unrequited love for Spongebob? Forgive me if I misinterpreted it x
Oh Hi Being,
I've heard so much of you from that dork Matt. He says you put up with him sometimes on here, even though you probably want to expunge him from your life with some rat poison.
You were really close on the meaning of the poem, although it's ultimately about some lemmings who swallowed a manatee whole, and are having trouble p*oping now, in reasonably sized excre*ent. They have tried various elixirs, such as castor oil, ex-lax, and sodium bicarbonate, but still have a belly ache. In the end, it all works out, and Eckstein(the marmalade salesperson) gets them to purchase 3 jars. It's a virally-charged love story, with duplicitous endings.
Anyway, Boing, I'm so glad you liked it. I will write many more in the coming days, and hope you will enjoy them so, also, and correctly conclude their abstract meanings.