Acid, Or Alkaline ?

In, the blink of an eye, it all can change. He, had sat, there, contemplating his life and wanting to understand the meaning of everything. Which, had gone on, not coming off. Obviously. In his heart of hearts, he knew his failings. His schooling had not been the best, due to disruptive elements. Mainly, his brain. Here, he had not achieved all he wanted, because of lack of focus. And, more besides. He did not set himself up in the right way. Unless, it, happened behind the " bike " sheds. Where, hard knocks had, at the least, taught him how to survive " trials, and tribulations " based on eternal struggles. And, suggestions. Devised by them. The, ladies. Something, to cling onto. In, the disturbances of sleepless nights. When, random mishaps, brought the obscene, rather than the dream, into crystal-clear crisp reflection.
As, he wallowed in his " Misery " over a sandwich, and a " flagon " of finest ale, he realized he was being observed. Within, his natural " habitat " ! They, had spotted him. And, were ready to pounce. For, the kill. If, not the " thrill " of it. The chastening descent into the seemingly inescapable context of " Zombie-like " menace, ever-present. Threatening, much more than bargained for. He, stood his ground, viewing them, with suspicion, as they liked. The two " harlets " spreading wings, for want of a better expression, to " take down " his confidence ! Not, that, he cared, at this point in his life. If, you could call, it, that ! No body, seemed to want to ?
The realms of fantasy were now to take a shocking turn. Emphasizing how " things " can go from bad, to worse. Instantly, spiralling, to effect. As many do " Cartwheels " !. They, looked like they wanted to get to know him. As well as what had passed. Under, the bridges. Away from, the " ridges " and the " fridges " ! He, assessed their strength, preparing for the absolute challenges of interrogation, beyond belief. Two, hunting together, being serious competition to his " skills " gained from " living through hell-fire " when all seemed lost. Barrages, of abuse, over the years setting his stall-out for any " tactical " intrusions into his comfort zones. What horror ? Homogeny, and, " erogeny " blended to produce some resemblance of wisdom, when " push, came to shove, " and invariably did ! Defences, were honed by the " barricade " scenario, fending off untimely exploits, trying to get from him, all that, he did not want to give.
Whilst, considering his options, as regards being able to produce, some type of response to an advance, he was " side-tracked " by a third party. Needing, to comprihend extra, to what the formerly " interesting " had done. She, dealt him a hefty blow. To, ego, and self-esteem, by " reducing " him, in no time at all, to a nervous wreck. The rest, left him free to remember, what went on. His, " business-end " of the bargain, giving rise to speculation of unnatural wizardry. When, he committed to her all he had. Without giving it away. His, vision was realized. His, day-dream " state " being a recipe, for " disaster " ! The longing, of the journey, being transformed, in a surprising manner. He, being waylaid by the " unafraid " temptations, of success. And, everything which, that, entailed. Always.
How easily, he perceived, finally, can you fall prey to dangers, running out of control ! When, least expected. Within, the " Public " house, of little profit. Unless, the loss of your soul is appreciated. Within, time constraints, that is. Deemed, lifestyle-choices, but, not really believed, to be this, in some quarters. Or, locations. Where, the " duality " and the " dichotomy " is investigated within the ironic complexity, of notional paradox. Whether, you like, it, or not.
Prefer " Rock Me, Amadeus, " of the " motion " picture, rather than listening to the music ?
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