Take notice to how you move The clothes & shoes you choose What part of this is you...
Why wait until I’m old?
Old People
Old people fade towards what it is they were formed from...
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It’s a smile that says, “I trust You” Though weak it may be, it’s a must view
A view of...
I hope you can feel this...
I hope it brings you to a place where you may find some peace......
A good day has to be made sometimes...
If you awaken with peace and calm...
Does it seem...
The rats huddled closely together out of adverse weather, they sometimes stood and looked at humans...
"I don't give a damn about my bad reputation." The circumstances involving forced enrollment at Divinity...
I felt the glass raised inside me In response to the white flag rising...
He looked up and smiled at me, knew he was winning, no problem, how many people I've endured...
Summer makes a mockery of spring, you didn't sing until it was nearly gone, it's a people thing;...
Greeting someone Showing gratitude towards others Holding open a door Not throwing...
Fifth course coming to him that's all that matters He doesn't see the man outside clothes in...
My Monthly Moan... I'm trying, by God I'm trying so hard... It's getting me nowhere, by God...
Take your best shot and try to loosen these cemented opinions reeking of thought rigor...
offers his unsolicited tidbits as scene courtesy the following virtually staged...