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I stretch creating flexibility I rehearse dreaming on my feet with each...
Inspired by my friend Kevin . In the Summer of nineteen seventy-nine, Baryshnikov came to...
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Fragility Of life Death at a moments notice Arrival of the man Unprepared...
despite what outside temperature register (even absolute zero), the unofficial arrival of...
less than half a dozen hours remain here in Lake Woebegone, an idyllic enclave, where legal...
Slowly around the dance floor,they danced a minuet but all she wanted,was to break free, and...
Mechanism wound tightly and lock unbidden, We release our ballerina to her forced pirouette, ...
The point of toes Count eight to four She, eyes of twilight Faster than before...
This portion of my history Weighs most heavily with me Changed as I am, something Has...
Water or woods share you your haven Swim Submerge and rise to the mystery of Air...
The wings of old autumn have a flux And their hesitation an old ornate orange-ness And the...
I feel so filled with the Love This life has offered me I am no longer afraid of the unknown...
It is in the harmony between man And nature Where beauty is perfumed And glitters...
Swaying down the cobblestone street to the rhythm of the giggling children and the bubbly waiters, without...