The following lines written disjointed fashion attempting to mimic strategically moving...
My wife doesn't like lizards very much at all, when Attenborough shows them it's instant recoil;...
For her who still had hope For her who thought the world is filled with rainbows. For her who...
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Conspiring men tried to confound The Word, To deny the legend that people had heard! ...
Well ladies and gentlemen, you reall​​​​y made a mess, I gave you everything, the possibilities were...
God told Ronaldo to build a boat before the flood, the humans had been 'norty,' not doing as they...
Nothing is more acceptable Nor have I found anything more beneficial In this entire world...
Upon texting her a picture (countless moments ago since October ninth) unfamiliar...
Softly whisper in my ear, Touch my simple wet tear. Listen to my crying pain! Feel my...
Daydreams whisper to the minds eye Shifting my conscience Where I find thoughts ...
Through the vicissitudes of a life rife with lonely wanting My path lit from a spiritual place,...
Pleasurable poetry pleasing any reader’s eye
Penned words perfectly portrayed colouring canvas...
Sickness, heartache, we're constantly annoyed! Being caught in our wrongs; we'd like to avoid!...
In life, there is a golden pulsing A silken beam, a rhythmic echo, A golden thread, ...
Touch of white and blue, splash of yellow! Oh how I love to paint this little fellow! I'll...
"It's a broad topic," said the snail to the microcosm. "I've always believed in you. Help me...
No, you don't, the recesses of the mind are deep, it depends which thoughts you finally decide to...