
Art -

Tree Face

Tree Face
Poem -

Green Tangents

I love trees .. but

How would you defend against a nuclear strike?
We would plant more trees ..
So how would you...



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Poem -

Haiku - Snow Conifers

surrounded by green
conifers swaying with ease
as snow kisses them

Poem -


reindeer moss
volcano sand to layer
my terrarium

Poem -

Green Winter

the silence fractures
as natures green illusion
dies in the snowflakes

Poem -

Haiku - Blue Light

blue light falls to earth
a crash and green men vanish
the truth is in grass

Poem -

Virginia Goes West

Virginia  Goes  West

Summer draws to a close, the ivy's still there,
and Virginia's having a ball but will soon go bare...

Poem -

Red field

Red field

About the pale white girl with the darkest thoughts
The ones I thought I would never cross

Poem -

~ So Ever Green ~

~ So Ever Green ~

I feel the green, the dark and lime
Of the woods behind my home,
A place where silence,...

Poem -

Green Eyes

Green Eyes

Man if this pride of lions would just move on,
I could jump on these impala before they're gone!...

Poem -

Just like a stick 🤣

Just like a stick 🤣

The Phasmatodea is a stick insect coz well it looks like a....stick
They can grow fairly long but...

Poem -

The little green man 💚

The little green man 💚

The little green man with earthly arms and his charismatic compelling charms

He lives amongst yon...

Poem -



We made love in the moonlight, everything grew,
the stream gurgled as we continued anew,

Poem -



There are black tulips but they're unusual,
interesting to define the word: not the norm,

Poem -

Someone Of His Calibre

Someone Of His Calibre

The quality of character or size of a gun barrel,
maybe there the same or at least both integral;...