To be put down or depressed, can't stop me carrying on, it's tough, sometimes you feel that you've...
A gentle commotion to a word unsaid a fleeting thought captured by facial...
I know you're just around a corner...
Halt ! Right where you are....
It is I...
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I depart through a crimson door with a golden handle into the mist The minute, his deep and earthy...
When you least expect it...
It hurts bad...
She may be small with really big dreams and wishes that she hopes one day will come true...
Too much heartbreak in every direction...
You lead me to look for answers to questions I probably...
Now I'm truly alone and my heart hurts so fucking bad, It's amazing how quickly You went from being...
As she sits, Grey, Counting the stars, An angel passed by hanging onto her every tear...
It felt like yesterday but it was so long ago I took your hand and you reached my heart I...
Still holding on, Unable to move on, Unable to propel forward, Is it because of the...
Look at the hills, He's standing feeling the wind, His happiness scattered like seeds,...
Oh, dark twin of my shadow—you boldly leapt into my airway, severed oxygen to my senses, blood to my...
I’ve become my own disaster, when I’m only trying to help. Be the soldier in the battles of me against the...
“I’m just tired” “It’s okay I’m tired anyway” “You know me…tired” I wish you knew when...
As skies turn to dark, Flames disappear into the horizon, Shadows envelop the land, ...
I can't do this anymore I can't do the back and forth I can't do the respond then don't...