Legal Chicago Gangs are Mad at the Illegal Venezuelan Gangs...
They are getting more Benefits......
I am a target with bullet wounds Battled and bruised as I am the victim you chose all so...
Remain in denial if it makes you feel better...
People have tried to get help...
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In the shadow of authority, words twist and turn, truth buried beneath layers of...
Diamond shine, back-to-black; carbon shadows her beauty within, Diamond's edge cuts deep, beauty...
I want to love I want to be in love. I look for that love I never got from my father. I’m a man with mommy...
Fear keeps you away you say, That I am the sunrise in your day.
Your recently found ethereal...
Diamond carbon black, hiding her beauty within, Diamond soul cuts deep, when she’s hidden.
No matter Tuesday, November 5, 2024 still one hundred and eight days away, (thank you Julian...
Pain I feel so much pain I lost the love of my life I feel so much pain I’m hurt and I...
I've got a text, it's from your ex. You cheated on him too, he tried his best to warn me about you...
Lord, I went back. What was I even thinking? What can she offers me, that I don’t...
The Current and Past coming together and talking about spreading Unity Chats...
Now, we have Two...
How could they understand I desire to be perfect I deserve to have it all But in...
Innocence massacred by evil men's desires, Violated, betrayed by those who should inspire ...
I am bleeding from the inside out stabbed in the heart with all my pain pouring out onto the cracked...