maybe I am insane overwhelm the psyche to distract from what’s been done to me an...
Hello to your halo it's way cool (strikingly beautiful as you are) cooler than Pinocchio or...
There are days where I'm as happy as I can be, then there's the days when I feel like I am falling...
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I'll empower thee, so stick close to me, you may never over-tower this tree, whether your drunk, high, or...
Trigger warning! Please be advised that while this content is entirely fictional, it contains graphic...
PBUY 🕊️ My guardian Angel 👼
I know I've been mislead
How can you stay all...
Born in the wrong place, Born in the wrong time, It's a disgrace I was misplaced. I...
My thoughts are scattered, my heart shatters, seems I always forget what's important, ...
Why can't I breath life support system I need Somebody save me from me and rid me of my...
My Wretched Friend
© 2022 Karianne Gabaldon
(Verse 1)
I stumbled in the dark with...
I'll never be tardy, for a mass, be a good citizen, and go to church, what are the possessions that I grasp...
Flaxen locks and pallid skin The friend only I could see With a knock at my door, I let her...
I keep it with me always My little locked bottle In my pocket, where it stays until...
Do my words belong to me Have I at times spoke to soon Do I speak my personality to my...
Don’t leave me alone with myself I’m not strong enough to defend myself today Once you leave...
Times come when it feels like the whole world is flying and spinning around me. Than stops. ...
As the darkness sores upon my cold beating heart, And the sudden feel of fear tears me apart,...