
Poem -

Overwhelm Her Psyche

Overwhelm Her Psyche

maybe I am insane
overwhelm the psyche
to distract from what’s been done to me

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A good thing.

A good thing.

Hello to your halo it's way cool
(strikingly beautiful as you are)
cooler than Pinocchio or...

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There are days where I'm as happy as I can be,
then there's the days when I feel like I am falling...



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I'll empower thee, so stick close to me, you may never over-tower this tree, whether your drunk, high, or...

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Adopted love

Adopted love

Born in the wrong place,
Born in the wrong time,
It's a disgrace I was misplaced.

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Lost soul

Lost soul

My thoughts are scattered,
my heart shatters,
seems I always forget what's important,

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Why can't I breath
life support system I need
Somebody save me from me and rid me of my...

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My Wretched Friend

Brace Yourself: This Poem Is LONG!!!

My Wretched Friend

My Wretched Friend

© 2022 Karianne Gabaldon

(Verse 1)

I stumbled in the dark with...

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I'll never be tardy, for a mass, be a good citizen, and go to church, what are the possessions that I grasp...

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Imaginary her

Imaginary her

Flaxen locks and pallid skin
The friend only I could see
With a knock at my door, I let her...

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My Locked Bottle of Madness

My Locked Bottle of Madness

I keep it with me always
My little locked bottle
In my pocket, where it stays

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Idol hands

Idol words

Idol hands

Do my words belong to me
Have I at times spoke to soon
Do I speak my personality to my...

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Don’t leave me alone with...

Don’t leave me alone with myself

Don’t leave me alone with myself
I’m not strong enough to defend myself today
Once you leave...

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Inside my mind

As the darkness sores upon my cold beating heart,
And the sudden feel of fear tears me apart,...