It's been a while since Manson's been in my head "we're killing strangers..."
Chapter 1: Preparations
Hmm, so that boy was the child of a lord? Ha! Wonderous! After all, I can'...
"Jeremey stop worrying, there is no such thing as the nightingale, ok? Think about it,...
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Trump the moron strikes again, says No to the leaders of the world;
To help make the Earth a...
Take a breath count to ten looking in from the outside my city of ugly stories...
Earth. A very special planet indeed. The only known planet in the universe to have oxygen, animals, humans...
As a young child I have a memory, The most purest and happy time for me. Twirling and turning...
Pierce the flesh reveal the bone
Dripping blood onto the stone
Pace the rush conceal the...
Something bigger than you and me...
I tried to save you, you rejected everything I was trying to do...
Hey. Are you ok?
I'm fine .
You look like you could use a friend .
yeah. I'm...
Cut and go stop the flow plant the seed done the deed unfeeling bastardry...
We should all carry a "buyer beware" sign to flash each time someone starts crossing the line......
A domain in-vitro is their home. Peering out from within, Pristine walls, Shiny and...
The fire is burning deep within my core; anger..... LOTS OF ANGER To it I implore! I'...
I broke, I fell, I lost.
My family, my friends, what cost?
Now they just sit, now they just...
Our pollinating friends are endangered...
They may hurt with a sting, but they do a lot of good too...
Head pounding, throbbing in pain.
For only I, am the cause of my strain.
I damaged myself,...