
Poem -

Things to do

My garden

Things to do

Walking into my garden, I notice things need doing, Fence needs painting, Weeding and pruning, And the...

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Invisible Wings...

Limitless Being.

Invisible Wings...

Sometimes you can fly,
Not knowing your destination.
But when you feel limitless,

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Haiku XXIV

Haiku XXIV

Warm is a log fire
Soft is milk with cream
Gentle is a butterfly’s broad wings



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About a friend

You were my best friend
I told you secrets
I've still never told anyone else
But you...

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Life awaken that I may taste, the birth of origination upon my face.
Internal yearning in...

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Life an individual experience for us to create, lack of awareness, responsible for the mess we make....

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I'm a simple man

who was too hard for you to love

I'm a simple man

You said after we broke up that I wasn’t adventurous enough,
Those words for such a simple man like...

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Smoking Does Stunt a Person...

Smoking Does Stunt a Person's Growth

When people say that smoking stunts a person's growth, it's true.
I've smoked for thirty-seven years...

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The Sower

The Sower

The seed is planted in your field,
Lying dormant it may never yield.
Nurture with diligence;...

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Troublesome Tumbleweed

Troublesome Tumbleweed

Invasively intrusive it stumbles and falls rolling in bundles of entangled balls
Accidental and...

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Crawling skin
Twisted visions
Shivers shatter
Reality burns...

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Down to the bones

Down to the bones

You see,
When I write poetry
I’m carving my heart out of my chest
Handing you my...

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First Unto The Last

First Unto The Last

Don't hold grudges or let bitterness consume your soul..
Let your higher perspective of goodness...

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I am a bird and I am free
To sing and dance to each melody
I can't stop smiling, my heart is...

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Wood anemone

Wood anemone,
seemingly tender you make
winter end in light

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Sorrow and Grief

Sorrow and Grief

It's a feeling,
A feeling of emptiness and the loss of a whole,
A conserved...

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We are one

We are one

We were all born in the same nursery,
Floating in darkness,
Awakened in a strange place...