Once upon a time, in the heart of a dense forest, stood a solitary tower where a fair maiden named "Annika...
And the wind... Blows her feather-like hair so gently...
That I can feel it on my face from...
Author MZ's note: Yes, Mr. Fallon, I am kind of stealing your idea, but please don't sue me as I have about...
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stimulated courtesy follicles, where Coconut, Olive, Grapeseed, Jojoba, Amla and Vitamin E...
The oversized mug with cornflower motif was far too big for her ...
Wherever my neighbor goes, people stare, They can't look away because of his neck and pink hair....
Something happened and I'm appalled. My wife left me because I'm going bald. It just goes to...
My Mummy has some and my Daddy has a lot My sister is growing a little and I have not...
Worn out he slept very soundly in his bed Next morning missing something on his head ...
It's not his fault his hair is an untidy mess Something he decided he needs to address Can't...
Hi Peeps(do the kids still say that? I hope so),
Listen, since my cranial creative activity has...
Carnivorous(car ni vore us): verb. To be involved, or take part in carnival activities.
It was nine o'clock on a Monday morning, 'Okay guys, L'oreal want some stuff - boring, I want...
Because of my upbringing and education, I'm a man who has substance and class. But nobody will...
As I sit in solitude conjuring memories in my head, I try to recall the precise moment when I first found...