
Poem -

Mask on Mask

Mask on mask
Hidden thoughts concealed
They are trying to treat and care .
Behind the...

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‘What’s meant is meant ?’

‘What’s meant is meant ?’

‘What’s meant is meant ?’

Is it true when people say that thing’s are meant to be ?

Art -

Peter took His Eye off...

Peter took His Eye off Jesus and began to sink.


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Poem -

I am just a scaredy cat ?

I am just a scaredy cat ?

In the dimness of a darkened room a candlelight glows
Creating such an eerie ambience
as the...

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Abracadabra of Alchemy

Abracadabra of Alchemy

I heard them whistling thru the old oak woods
Chanting clandestine conjurations

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She is scared of her own...

She is scared of her own shadow

She’s scared of her own shadow
yet she has to follow it around
but that dam tall silhouette...

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How Cute.

How cute,
You think you're scary
But darling I've seen scary
And you ain't got his...

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What do you call Home,
when you feel you nowhere belong,
your mind running on empty,

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“Magpie Mate..”

“Magpie Mate..”

I lay down on my sofa drifting away within my head then it soon became apparent I was dangling on a thread...

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Billy the big Boxer

Billy the big Boxer

“Go fetch Billy” as his master throws a stick
Billy the big boisterous Boxer pup doesn’t miss a...

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Then You Appear

In the back, I'm here.
Then you appear,
Far away, what can I say?
Sitting, sweating,...

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It’s almost Halloween ??‍♂️

It’s almost Halloween ??‍♂️

There’s knocking on my back door but nobody is there!! I climbed up in my attic and there’s grotesque...

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Flight of fancy

Flight of fancy

Is it only my imagination? there’s a shadow on that wall.. looking massively bulky & toweringly tall...

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Going to the Dentists :(

Going to the Dentists :(

I dread going to the dentists
It’s an annual visit that I hate :(
Even if it’s just for a...

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I've grown convinced,
That there are signs covering my body,
That only I am incapable of...

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Twister of a tempest

Twister of a tempest

There must be something a’brewin’ in the atmosphere tonight, yon howlin’ winds a’woo-ing...ay I can feel...

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Place your trembling hand
across my face
seems I found someplace not erased