Shortcake girl

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
That’s an ugly lieÂ
Flesh turning into strawberry tarts
Disgusting girls shouldn’t hesitate to die!
A body of rock turns into diamonds when shatteredÂ
Hurry, collect the gleaming piecesÂ
You should feel flattered
Stay broken and your value increasesÂ
After all, your body is more beautiful tattered
and splatteredÂ
With a smile so crookedÂ
why even smile at all
With clumpy lips like yoursÂ
you only manage to appall
Why crack a porcelain faceÂ
when you can simply remove itÂ
Or better yet
why not destroy it
Why laugh in loud cacophoniesÂ
when you can cry in silent melodiesÂ
Tears suit you much better my belovedÂ
they wash away the filth,Â
makes you covetedÂ
Starving yourself is sinful as well,Â
vulgarly yearning for pork
So let me tear you apart, but don’t tell,Â
with bloody knife and forkÂ
You sweet, delicious, beautiful girl!
Served on silver platters for all to enjoy
Slurp her hair like spaghetti, make it twirlÂ
Spread over the table from boy to boy
Sink your teeth into her plump thigh
Too much pleasure can make one high
Lick the fat off of her cheeks
Livers taste better mixed with leeks
Lavish feasts call for glasses of wine
Lads all around gather to dine
Lucky boys, there’s shortcake for dessert!Â
I like you better when you bleedÂ
but don’t show me your scars
In terms of hypocrisy you’re in the lead
telling me you want to join the stars

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Clever. Distinctively tragic. Solid structure. Destructive message. Is the artwork also your own? It is exceptional. I loved all of this, not for the topic, but for the talent. That just shines through.Â
Worth a follow? You bet.
Thank you so much for your kind feedback, I feel flattered! The artwork is not my own, it just fit the poem so well. I’m glad you liked it :)