
Poem -

One Last Time

One Last Time

To find our place where we thrive for life
Where the waters bathe our souls where the sun warms our...

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Where the Grass Grows Green

Take me to a place far far away where we travel by horse
Where we see the tops of the mountains...

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Cherokee People

Cherokee People

The tail of a red fox scurries behind a giant pin oak tree
The hills are alive with the sound of...



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Woven Dreams

Burnt umber is the color of the clay
Red orange the color of the fire flames
Dusty charcoal...

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Evil In Your Eyes

The fires flames tell a story of many
Many decades ago the native spirit would call to the sky...

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"Black & White"

"Black & White"

...Love Might Or Might Not Be Another Form To
Keep You Distracted,

But Love Is The Weapon To...

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Hunter’s Love

The feel of the wind as the mane of the horse dances with it
High into the mountains I see below me...

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Blood Red

What drives a man to his destiny across a valley the countryside
That his forefathers lived and died...

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The Native Harvest

In the late of summers end the grasshopper jumps higher
For the fields of grass and crops begin...

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Beneath the Earth

Crawling under the dark of soil trying to wiggle its way out
where fossils buried decades have...

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The Skulls in the Sky

Where have the people gone that were buried here in this grave site
Have they been taken away by...

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Why Weep

Blank memories inside me, where I continue to forget
The torment from the past, why my native blood...

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A Journey That Never Ends

A journey of a thousand steps begins with the very first step
When the seed of life grows into...

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Lift Your Head Unto The Sky

Cries from the wolf through timbers of the moonlights night
For the tribal dance of the dead now we...

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Where The Earth. And Water...

Touching time between my hands
The measure of life and death gives way
In the energy of our...

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I Shall Caress The Earth

As the wind blows in the valley of death
Where many lay beneath the rock and clay
My love for...

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Thunder. Is His Name

His people are his vision, family his life, his women his passion
Like the sky of clear blue aqua...