As the late afternoon sun dipped below the skyline, casting a golden hue over the bustling city, Clara...
In the mornings, I lie thinking, My lashes ever blinking. Thoughts now intercepted- ...
No bonds, no promises, no ties to keep, A situationship, a story strange and deep.
Once the...
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I met this strange man who said that he was a 'fixer,' I said: 'What's that - a carpenter or a...
One man's ceiling is also another man's floor, I wonder in your life if what's less becomes more;...
All men wept while lifeless beauty slept Crying; Nothing this ripe can survive nature’s tests...
You understand nothing and nor do I, your soul and why birds don't fall from the sky; I asked...
Nobody told me it had to be this way. We dance along. We dance alone. We pick another...
Sunday night in December, the lights are blown so I sit in darkness with the...
I... I never thought I'd make it this far.
All my life, I've never been able to imagine what it...
Someone invited me to speak at the Rotary Club, I had Duran Duran playing on video screens, ...
"When you see that it's all over, when you feel that everything oppresses, you have to listen...
They'd come to get me, take me back to explain, why I'd been so smart, what I'd wanted to gain,...