Sitting on paper lines, watching the universe go by— Scratch, halt. The record stops...
Once, I touched the stems Of flowers in advance For the date you said we’d go on. And...
You can keep lies going for years and that's the value you settle for of your own Character's worth?...
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What has happened to everyone?
They have all gone Nuts...
First, they hate our Country...
Into the fire...
They don't think it's trash worthy?
Is that a Christian...
Two pieces of a broken dream Left floating on a summer stream A diamond waiting in despair...
Sunshine, lollipops, rainbows, are all tings I loved as a kid, I wanted to grow up; little did I know, I’d...
There are questions in my head Endlessly running through my mind
Sometimes makes me calm...
When you least expect it...
It hurts bad...
Dear Ron Desantis,
I thought by now you would have stood to be different thus the reason you're...
I wonder what the problem is?
They demand better conditions...
They want to move......
Label me, go ahead and pick a word, there’s not many I haven’t heard, put me in a category, I promise you I...
I have a heavy heart I look into the mirror and see a heavy girl I see a heavy girl who can’...
Where do broken hearts go to, can they find they're way home, I'll find you, somehow, wherever never...
I suppose at a push or a pinch or a shove .. We could try to survive on the cheap...
Off with the head!
What did you say?
Blah, blah, blah...
Shhhh. ली
Today was quiet. It was in this quiet that I took an A4 lined paper and a pencil,...