Truth be told said topic minimally embellished rather, prattling youthful looking baby...
04/04/2020 Quarantined part 2
Coronavirus, just shrivel up and die, Take your...
Spring awakes from winter slumber, Dawn creates collage of colour, Nature's pallete paints a...
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The Frozen Tower--- reflects her brilliance through fog The beacon pulsates
the stairs were shallow the steps were lean (one – and then another)
the mind (a-...
Fresh crisp air, ice crackles as you walk. Snow on the tree tops, winter knows how to...
Upon making a purchase, yours truly murmurs bonjour to the man/woman clerk manning...
Save our Koala
Cuddly little teddy bears Munching on some leaves Camouflaged in...
It's hard to know what part one plays Crafty forces know how to take good intentions and good...
At warp speed to stave off further global catastrophe courtesy portentous tragedy ...
With sympathy, I bid thee to pray to keep the deadly smoke away and torrential rain to...
They only take you so far: curious gaze eyes Do you too have ears that hear
K . . . will it matter who started it first? Do we even really know... Most...
If God lived in our "the present" He'd judge us here and now He'd wipe us off the map to...
Many moons ago the world was safer place and cleaner place Many moon ago they ...
full-sun drapes the willow moss encroaches edge of stream nature plays a tempo game
With the rolling sea’s continuous ebb and tide, it gathers littered debris carrying it across to lands far...