The cook never gets enough credit for the wonderful meal The secret recipes of grandma and great...
What shall I make for my youngest Billy's tea ? He's a fussy little blighter as you will see...
Over one hundred years I have been in a bowl To satisfy breakfast hunger my ultimate goal ...
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Someone said it's a 'cinch,' so easy to manage, all the perks, guaranteed, all part of the package...
I have better food than most - international cuisine, everything at home from all the exotic places...
Take off my skin I won't cry but you will I'm sure I'll give that burger an extra thrill ...
Juicy red rubies Glint in fleshy covering
Soon to be enjoyed.
Fingers find...
THEY SAY... Spend local, support your farmers, save the small businesses... WE REPLY......
I thought I'd bring a chocolate ice cream around, watched you eat every single drop without a sound...
All the fruits showed so much self control Not one of them minded going into a bowl The...
Five others like me were part of a friendly group Soon to be disbanded alas in one foul swoop...
Heady fragrance arose, Keen talons, carnage blows Rouge weeps intensely deep, Ruthless...
There was a young man who was obese. He ate too much and now he's deceased. He went to his...
Captivated by my embrace Barbs caress angelic face Bitter cold in immortality I need...
When people eat at my diner, I serve green eggs and ham. When I went to cooking school, I failed...
Praise sanity, oh great humanity! Our greatest virtue, to be humane Yet human nature is our...
Oh no she has opened the fridge door I will be used again I know that for sure For she has...