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Saint Patrick’s Day Blues

Saint Patrick’s Day Blues

Nico and Cody, shopping on St Patrick's Day with their best friend Ernie
Today we honor...

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Your Last Bath-Your Last...

Your Last Bath-Your Last Breaths

Something sad just dawned on me, from in my Soul ensiled;
Sometimes we have selective memories,...

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Sunday, Sunday

Sunday, Sunday

Photo is Nico and Cody on a Family Day Sunday at Home Depot

On a sunny Sunday in early May,...



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Ashes To Ashes- Fur To Fur

Ashes To Ashes- Fur To Fur

No longer laying by my side, you’ve floated to Heavens blue;
Now your ashes and some bits of fur,...

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Paw Prints On Our Souls

Paw Prints On Our Souls

Our precious Nico and Cody, we write these words to you extoll;
From the eternal love in both our...

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The Sounds Of Music

The Sounds Of Music

The sweet sounds from your singing souls, serenade me every night;
With the melodious music of you...

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A Letter To Heaven

A Letter To Heaven

Our Angels Nico and Cody, we have great news with you to share;
You’re going to have a baby brother...

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The Resolution

The Resolution

Tomorrow starts a brand new year, another one has passed;
I am hoping highly that this one, is much...

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The Need

The Need

I want what once was
I crave their candy kisses
Pine for my puppies
Weep for their...

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We’re Dreaming Of A White...

We’re Dreaming Of A White Christmas

We are dreaming of a White Christmas, but it suddenly turns blue;
For when we wake up then we...

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In Dreams

In Dreams

In the last two nights, I’ve had two dreams, that made me very sad;
The first one was simply...

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Just The Two Of Us

Just The Two Of Us

My precious sweetheart Linda, the World now sings of Joy;
For Christmas is upon us, the first...

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Here Today- Gone Today

Here Today- Gone Today

Both of you my precious Angels, were stolen in one day;
You were with me in the morning, but by...

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Our New License Plates

Our New License Plates

We purchased a brand new Hyundai, some several week ago;
When we saw it on the car lot, we both...

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101 Dalmatians

101 Dalmatians

For our Dearly departed Soulmates-Nico 2/16/15 and Cody 8/5/17
When I was just a young lad...

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Three Hearts That Beat As One

Three Hearts That Beat As One

For my Angels: Nico, now gone almost three years, and Cody, ninety days

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The Doggie Doctors

The Doggie Doctors

Pictured are the well known Doctors, Nico and Cody Woof
Happy Halloween our...