
Poem -

(i) Fading Fire

(i) Fading Fire

When daylight falls asleep,
what then is left of the borders?

Will I dream as usual,

Poem -

The Sun's Parting Gift

The Sun's Parting Gift

Before it got dark and before all the stars,
I looked up at the sky and saw a slice of the moon...

Poem -

Twilight Dwindle

Inspired by Marion's twilight's dusk

Twilight Dwindle

Sunrise tweaks twilight
Dawn tis awoken polite
Yawn and stretch tints
Ignite celestial...



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Poem -



Autumn spices of
caramel and burned sugar,
mulled wine warms the blood
for the...

Poem -

Your fortune to memories...

Bottoms up dreams train as they are not once was

Your fortune to memories return

Be air until air runs out of breathe now become water until water runs out of depth
Now be earth...

Poem -

Separate dreams

Separate dreams

In the oneness of night
loneliness thrives:
as we each sleep
separate dreams.


Poem -

Cusp of Twilight

Cusp of Twilight

Cusp of Twilight

Wind up tightly
Tangled passion squirms
Wanting, waiting, welcoming...

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Urban Tryst

Urban Tryst

Surrounded amidst a myriad of light,
Suburbia copious with laughs and cries,
Fading blue...

Poem -

Looking Up

Looking Up

Gazing toward the dark night sky,
Scanning the heavens but don't know why?
The full moon is...

Poem -



The moment you drive back home at night
Pondering Your life in the abstract darkness

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Twinkle, twinkle dragonfly
Illuminate twilit sky
Lambent iridescent spell
Cast upon...

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Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle Twinkle

Brought to you by myself in sixth grade ;)

Twinkle twinkle little star
I wanna hit you with...

Poem -

"Your Sweet Hand in...

"Your Sweet Hand in Mine"

"We were made,
from the same mound of clay,
molded from God's,
delicately, so well...

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Distant wanderer

Distant wanderer

These flowers, scented roses are Devine,
a white one, red as blood, here is the thorn.

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On the chilling glass like irises of the tired eyes,
Sleep keeps filming like mists of dewey...

Poem -

Not Quite

Not Quite

A mist, hanging in the air
A halo β€˜round a streetlamp
A sidewalk, not quite straight

Poem -


Darkness spreads across the sky brush stroke by brush stroke,

Like ink leaking into paper in...