
Poem -


I look over the fields
At Arlington where they lay
Their pearly white crosses



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Poem -

Battle Blossom

Between the ripples in the pool of chaos. Holy Angels decent from heaven to gather all iron yielded in...

Poem -

The Brave Boys of Normandy

The Brave Boys of Normandy

Brave Boys of Normandy
In remembrance

We braved the walls of waves in droves
so far...

Poem -

Oath of Selflessness

We have stood where you couldn't.
Traded blood,sweet and even more tears.
Done things most...

Poem -

Your Rainbow Versus Mine

The color most frequently associated with love.
My mind ties it with the blood of my...

Poem -

Vietnam Remembered

Vietnam Remembered

Veterans of Nam may be older, slower, and not as lean, but still in shimmering light they gleam.

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Fields of Valor

Fields of Valor

As I gaze o're the fields of valor, refuse and signs of war,
I remember some fought for glamour,...

Poem -

Semper Fi.

Semper Fi.

​​​​​​​​There is a moto
That all Marines
Live by and die by
​​​​​​​Every single day...

Art -

William Burney by the Brazos

William Burney by the Brazos
Poem -

A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men

Dedicated to sixteen brave Servicemen
We lost “A Few Good Men” today, sixteen to be exact...

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Iwo Jima Survivor Uncle

Iwo Jima Survivor Uncle

The Geist family had its annual Christmas Party and Summer Party. The summer parties were held at Uncle...

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Soldier's Wife

Soldier's Wife



Makes steam.

The peacefulness in his voice,

Is the swift...

Poem -

“In the Line of Duty”

In the service, there is an honor

That stems from deep within

A bonding that is permanent...

Poem -

Theusus and Helen of Troy

Syoinkismis said Theusus

All his folks

Gathered around!

United was his folks:...

Poem -

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now

The year is twenty-forty, and things have changed a bit;

The military now rules our country, and is...