My name is calypso I dance the fandango I live in a toy box With a wind up clown...
I took to the seas cause in them I find solace.
A true reflection of who I am, "Diverse". A...
This world is full of the Once Born But you and I we come and go We ebb and flow...
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Our unspoken bond
I know they are there and they know I’m here, For how much longer though...
On the wings of Love I have flown Too high to ever come down At Oneness I have known ...
I have come to realize That I Have been Waiting For orders Since...
Have you given of yourself . Have you given any thought to ask what you expect to be given . If you have to...
Here's a gift . It's not what your expecting , it may not even appeal to you . But here goes anyway . I...
Wisdom is the principal of the thing.There for get wisdom and you will understand all the issues you...
friends and liars two words that should be opposites too often find themselves synonymous...
Isn’t it ironic but just like chalk & cheese, opposites attract two contrary personalities...
Apollo 11 lunar module named “Eagle” prediction defied naysayers ain't no boon dog gull...
Quisas yo este mas cerca a la puerta que tu. Y yo saberlo es saver que fue lo que deje. Dias...
Calamitous in nimiety bestows a sane mind, No amorous setting, some upsetting may find, ...
a whirling dervish I've seen all things Turkish.. my belly has danced under the...
Unrelenting blitzkrieg deadly assault upon psyche pounded defenseless vulnerable...