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Small Talk Architect

Small Talk Architect

The star of the party scene
holding court center stage

Moving from topic to topic

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keyboard battalion

keyboard battalion

I’m not sure if you’re just stupid or evading what the truth is but whatever your excuse is you’re...



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Let's Talk Bollocks...

Let's Talk Bollocks...

This is a very important subject, but yet I think doesn't have enough awareness as it should, for reasons I...

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Happy days

Happy days

Oh meaningful conversation
So important to my inner-mind
Especially in the morning as I...

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You made me realise my heart still beats
You made me realise I’ve got two left feet
You made...

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The Garrulous Goose ?

The Garrulous Goose ?

There are them that do the talking
Who never can listen alot
wrapped up in their own

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The Sea Monster

The Sea Monster

'Well, it happened fifteen years ago.
Fifteen, that's the number that died.
I was a good...

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My three granddaughters?

My three granddaughters?

I was sitting with my granddaughters the other day
My smallest one turned to me & she did say...

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Brains V Beauty ?

Brains V Beauty ?

Just had a message from my youngest daughter
She is working this week down south
I receive...

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Back in the days ?

Back in the days ?

When I was a kid old folkies sayings were so weird
Like me Dad saying to me
‘Al wipe that...

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‘Run off at the mouth’

‘Run off at the mouth’

How positively powerful is the spoken word
Tho it all depends on how it is perceived

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Friendship ❤️❤️

Friendship ❤️❤️

I’m meeting my friend for a Catchup & a chat
I’ll be joining another friend
For a walk...

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Englishman said; family

Englishman said; family

Thinking takes place in isolations, as sometimes cry
Will she love me or not, why?
The poet...

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I love Spontaneous ?❤️

I love Spontaneous ?❤️

I love the word spontaneous
Its me down to a tee
I don’t do preparation
Impulsive that...

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The non-beliver

"I do not believe
I do not believe in make-believe"

"At one time I too did not believe....

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Science fiction to me is a load of baloney
Doctor Who I consider to be one big phoney