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Why The Simpsons Will Die

Why The Simpsons Will Die

Every person on the Simpsons is sick and they will die.
They're suffering from Jaundice, that's the...

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Why I Had To Pay On...

Caution: This poem contains strong language and may be...

My wife became furious because I forgot to buy her some candy and flowers.
The bitch tried to...

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Nursery truth!!

Nursery truth!!

Note:- This poem is rude & may imply naughty themes, not for kids!!

Ring a ring of...



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Registered Sex Offender

The story I'm going to tell is something that isn't good.
A registered sex offender moved to my...

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$hopping $pree

$hopping $pree

I hate to say I told you so but you wouldn't listen to me.
And your so called girlfriend went on a...

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If I Can't Have Her,...

If I Can't Have Her, Nobody Can

My fiance was going to leave me for another man.
So I told her that if I can't have her, nobody can...

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Winner and Loser

Winner and Loser

It was the worst thing that ever happened to me.
My life went straight to Hell because of the...

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My Family Goes Hog Wild...

When I said that Hillary Clinton sucks, my daughter punched me in the head.
I cut a hickory switch...

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The Power Of A Zagnut

The Power Of A Zagnut

I'm sitting in a cell because I kicked a man's sorry butt.
I beat the crap out of him because he...

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My Star Wars Action Figures

My Star Wars Action Figures

When I built a time machine, I traveled back to 1977 and gave my younger self a hard smack.
When I...

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My Hairy Ass

Because of my upbringing and education, I'm a man who has substance and class.
But nobody will...

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My Wife Isn't Pregnant

My Wife looks like she's pregnant but she's just fat.
People have been congratulating her and she...

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What I Got For Christmas

When I asked my wife what I was getting for Christmas, she kicked me in the balls.
That wasn't what...

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I arrived at Paddington just before ten
It was nice to visit this place once again
Why then...

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A Family Who Won't...

A man has cancer and has been given only six months to live.
Years ago, he did a man wrong and the...

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Following Women Around The...

Following Women Around The Grocery Store

Let me tell you about an experience that wasn't great.
I would follow women around the grocery store...