The clock ticked six And sudden, with a burst The mood moved from ‘see you next time’ ...
A weekend getaway every weekend...
A time to play, a weekend off...
We complained about the...
Just a normal Sunday sitting in my chair
When all of a sudden in walked my Auntie Uncle Claire...
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When you were born time stopped for me as I gazed at you. Fell in love with your eyes....
see them watch through camera eyes scream and wail from the inside need to wake from...
Be descpticve in your wrod So taht it may always be haerd. Fololw your haert. Ease yuor mnid...
When you don't get what you want you pitch a fit. When I don't you never hear me...
The battle quickly begins with this armored, stationary beast. All the while thinking you can...
Everything has led us to where we are today...
All of these past Presidents did the best job they...
They laugh, they smile
Give a gift
Give some time
Another day, another night...
yes, you’re the talented one,
sing! sing! sing! Johnny Ray
cause I’m not too shy to say...
The special invitation is the ticket in...
It's just a mystery game...
A game of love will break a heart in two...
It will leave the one you cherished all alone and...
Throttled like a rag doll under brutal force; suffering brutality, cringing, bearing...
How does one define the word love
There are many degrees to this passion
There's love of a...