Most of Society for the most part continues to remain ...
Decades since the song was written Blackbird continues to sing in the dead...
Sometimes We all want to go there
A place where there are tangerine...
If it was not for the fact that your Life was trite and Jaded We might...
In the aftermath of partaking in butter pie and a cup of tea An inquiry...
You know he wrote a book in the 60's about a Man name Lear...
As a Texas' Tornado You swarmed the National Stage with "Piece of My...
I think Many have Forgotten You
Yet I haven't......
In your earlier...
As a teen I listened to the Lyrics and wondered what went on in your...
As a young man I remember crossing a street in Quito the entrance to the world...
I just listened to a favourite album, Tom Waits, Blue Valentines. As I listened to the poetry...
You created the story of "Fat Albert" A childhood treat that I saw...
Ayúdame, Es como si las paredes se estuvieran derrumbando. A veces siento ganas de darme por...
Good looks Charm Playing dominoes On days So hot So warm
(alternately titled: perp hosting everclear discord)
jump'n jack flash ("hot for teacher") ...