Dancing in the sky catching the perriferial until focus of my gazing eyes I spy then catch an...
At the very heart of me It rains My lord, Please clear my misted sight That I...
Awakening, she found she was still dreaming Still sleeping a lavender-lidded sleep A...
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I'm as free as a bird And simultaneously Locked in a cage, The sky oozing down...
I walk right next to you and I can feel our future it is more platonic but without our souls coming...
Awaken The third eye Man's vestigial light organ And the universe Will whisper...
Death, Hovers there Just over my left shoulder Waiting, Stoically, ...
From the house amid the trees There comes a great lament A wraith goes by, to where ...
Wrapped and coiled, coyly within The innate intrigue of self-expression Poets do find a...
I need to write A book As I believe I have A Story to Tell...
I wish to sleep, a long, dark, sleep Where there has never been Such a silence or epic...
The fantabulous feeling that sets a steady course Through my current vibration Is glittering...
Orange, The world cremates Evening's play For life's Seasons...
Worn, tattered, beyond repair in vice Shattered, ignored, expelled from paradise... Where is...
On the wings of Love I have flown Too high to ever come down At Oneness I have known ...
Hush you reprobate moon! Silent in your gleaming judgement. Casting your silver eye over all...